Wendell Berry’s article “The pleasure of eating" was very informative. I liked his steps; they are most of what I do at home already. This is also what I think people should do as well. At our home we have a stand out front of all the vegetables we produce and we sell them for cheap. We grow the vegetables for us and profit made off of them is just extra money to put into growing next year. When the season ends that’s where we don’t have a good diet, and it’s hard to not buy fruits and vegetables from the store. Really where else are you going to get them? I don’t like how politics has taken over the food industry; I think that is one of the things they should say out of. Michael Pollan book “The Omnivore’s Dilemma,” is a good recap to the movie Food Inc. Its scary to think what you eat can kill you. It’s almost like Russian roulette. It makes me think what I get from the grocery store is bad. After reading these two pieces and also watching Food Inc. has made me change how I think about food. What I eat and where I eat it. 

9. I think healthy eating should be a right. If it were up to me everyone would have a farm of animals enough to feed their family. Everyone would have a garden also. I have chickens and cows and I also have a pretty large garden. I love that my family has decided to do this. In the summer I feel much healthier, mostly because of our garden eating the fresh fruits and vegetables that we have grown. In the movie the family who went to the grocery store could not afford broccoli, but they ordered off the dollar menu because it was much cheaper. I think this is very wrong. I don’t think they should be subjected to eating bad food just because they cannot afford good food.

14. Noel Kramers is against labeling food because it can cause fear. This is a crazy statement. I think it should cause fear. This is a very unnatural thing to clone an animal. I want to know where my food is coming from. She can eat it if she wants and if she’s ok with not knowing then that’s her purgative. It is not right for someone to not know where there meat is coming from. I never want to eat cloned meat and I’m thinking now I have probably already eaten it.

15. What happened to freedom of speech in this country, is it even around. I hate how this is a law. It makes me re think who we put in power. I think the people of the United States should have a say in what we eat and if we are not going to eat it. I am so glad that Opera won but what if she did not have money would she have won. You should be able to say whatever you want no matter who you are.